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top 5 tips for a healthy pregnancy

I had a fun, healthy, pain-free and feel-good pregnancy – here are my top 5 tips (in no particular order). These are of course alongside the care and regular appointments with your obstetrician, GP or maternity nurse. Clinical pilates Pelvic floor! Pelvic floor! The ‘it’ words around pregnancy and during …


Hormones + Acupuncture

Hormones are responsible for activating and turning on every process and system in our bodies, without them our bodies don’t get the signals they need to turn on and begin certain actions. Hormones are easily influenced and upset due to so many factors in and around our lives. Stress – …


allergy season smoothie

Are you one of the thousands of melbournians who sneeze, sniffle and eye-scratch their way through the change of season? If so, using particular foods as medicine is a great adjunct to your other herbal or acupuncture treatments. This vibrant smoothie contains antioxidants that aid to reduce inflammation, nutrients to …


Pain + Acupuncture: a western medicine explanation

What is pain? It sounds like a silly question because we’ve all experienced pain countless times in our lives and the obvious answer is “an unpleasant and sometimes distressing feeling occurring at various sites around the body”. It is a warning signal, a protective mechanism that lets us know something …


Going coconuts over oil

Welcome to the Coconut oil obsession! It has a great reputation for a good reason, it’s a super functional food with so many benefits. Coconut oil contains fatty acids known as medium-chain saturated acids (MCFAS). MCFAs are triglycerides, a type of saturated fat, but not the nasty ones. Their unique …


Happy You, Happy Bowels, ISB WHO?

The constant bloating feelings after meals, the pain in your stomach along with diarrhoea and/or constipation are all common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. People with IBS carry their stress in their digestive system. Stress can cause people with IBS to experience constipation and difficulty moving their bowels or the …



On my never ending quest to love chia I stumbled across this little creation. Let me digress a little here … Remember when you were a kid and, most likely, you didn’t love your vegetables. Chances are your mum came up with the ingenious idea of using tomato sauce as …


ways to naturally ease pms

Acupuncture is hugely diverse and ranges greatly in its ability to heal and ease symptoms of almost any kind. I have spent most of my clinical experience helping women with menstrual or hormonal imbalances, either with the view of assisting them in falling pregnant, ease bad moods or just overall …


Niggles? power through or power down?

Aches and pains are part of nearly any exercise routine. A few mild transient aches – or “niggles” – are to be expected, but how do you decide when that niggle is worth paying more attention to? Enter, our five point guide to sussing out your aches and pains.   …


Our Virtually Effortless Guide to Autumn

It’s unsurprising that acupuncturists preach the importance of living with the seasons. It makes sense – the medicine began its development before air-con, central heating, imported foods and transport made it possible to move between seasons without too many sacrifices or changes to our daily schedules. At The Acupuncture Company, …