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Simple Foods to support Detoxification Everyday

Our bodies are truly amazing. They are constantly identifying and re packaging the foods we eat, the things we drink, the air we breathe, the deodorants and creams and perfumes we use so that we can either use their nutrients or get rid of their by products. Our liver, gallbladder, …


Give a healthy gift this christmas

We have carefully selected some of our favourite products to make gift packs for your loved ones this year. We also have beautiful Christmas vouchers for $50, $75 and $100 which means your friends and family can choose their own treatment. ‘Oh My Achy Muscles and Sound Sleep Pack’ – …


Mindfulness & Movement to Ground You

The Festive Season can be a lot of fun but it can also be pretty hectic. Social events, less sleep, different food and drink to our usual choices and we can feel a little off balance physically and mentally. Spending time with our loved ones can be a gift but …


Simple tips for a healthy Festive Season

YAY Christmas! It’s a time of year when the social calendar is overbooked, heaps of delicious food to consume, late nights and full of family and friends. And on the flip side, it can be a time when stress impacts us and can affect our mind and body. Pressure of …


Rosemary Salad Dressing

The humble salad dressing. It may be humble but did you know that dressing your salad in a simple home made dressing can increase your absorption of nutrients and have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant actions? People often purchase store bought salad dressings for the convenience. And we get it, it …


Simple ways to reduce your toxic load

“Toxic load.” It sounds ominous, but when we use this phrase in clinic we are referring to the amount of chemicals that we are exposed to which, via skin, ingestion or inhalation, enter into our bloodstream. Given how many chemicals it is estimated we come into contact with on a …


Our 3 tips on how to “Let Go” to lighten up

Humans love to hold on to things – memories, material possessions, ideas, emotions, we are all collectors. But there is a time where the seasons offer us the opportunity to reexamine the things, people, feelings and thoughts that we hold onto so that we can make an empowered decision whether …



Why beetroots? They contain nitrates which can lower blood pressure as well as improve blood flow to the brain. They also contain betaine which may assist in raising low stomach acid (which is very common in many of our patients) Why Chickpeas? They contain the magic combo of fibre + …



Spring is all about new beginnings, growth and nourishing ourselves. It’s a great time to set new goals and shed any patterns or emotions that no longer serve us. In Chinese Medicine Theory, Spring is related to the wood element (Liver and Gallbladder) and the Wood element is all about …


P2 DETOX – September’s product of the month

Coming into Spring is a great time to help nourish and clear out our body from the previous cooler months. Throughout the cold weather, we can very easily reach for too much comfort food so now is a great time to give our body a bit of a re-boot. P2 …