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Bone Broth Recipe

Bone Broth Recipe

We have asked countless patients to drink bone broth for its warming, restorative and healing properties over the years. Here is one of our tastiest, most tried and true recipes.

Bone Broth

2kg beef bones, marrow exposed
1/4c Apple cider vinegar
2 onions, cut in half
4 Carrots, roughly chopped
4 Stalks of celery (including leaves) roughly chopped
4 sprigs of Thyme
2 Bay Leaves
4 Sprigs of parsley
6 Cloves of garlic
1tsp Peppercorns
1tsp Himalayan or sea salt

Place all ingredients in a very large pot and add 5 litres of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 24hrs

Once cooled, you can remove some fat. Some batches of broth are fattier than others, so remove as much fat as you desire, but keep in mind that the fat is nourishing and restorative to the gut and an important part of the broth.
Strain the broth into a large bowl and divide amongst glass jars. Broth will keep for 7 days in the fridge so any that you wont use within the week can be frozen for up to 3 months and used at a later date.

What should you do with your broth?

  • Add vegetables like zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli and spring onion and simmer until slightly softened. Add thinly sliced beef and cook until tender.
  • Use as the base to thicker soups like pumpkin soup by adding 2 cups of broth and 2 cups of water to onion, garlic, pumpkin, curry powder and some salt and simmering till everything is softened. Blend to make a creamy pumpkin soup
  • Add to pureed vegetables of babies and toddlers (ensure you heat through thoroughly
  • Drink as a simple broth with a little salt and pepper added to warm you between meals

Add broth to stirfrys, curries or anything that requires vegetable or meat stocks.


With gratitude,

Emma Lyan – Nutritionist