Traditional Chinese Medicine has been in continuous use for thousands of years. Within this paradigm, health is considered to be an extension of inner homeostasis or balance. Chinese Herbal Medicine is an amazing treatment tool to achieve and maintain this balance.
Diagnosis and treatment is always based on the individual – two patients may have the same complaint, but will be treated in different ways depending on their presentation. While symptoms are treated to make life nicer in the short term, the underlying cause is always addressed as long term health is the ultimate goal.
Chinese herbal medicine supports health through balancing internal disharmonies and encouraging the body to heal itself. As herbs are used in their natural form, they are gentle without harsh side effects which often accompany manufactured drugs.
Herbal formulas are tailored specifically to the individual considering current symptoms, presentation and needs. Each formula is precisely balanced, taking into account the therapeutic action of each herb and the effects together.
Shift Natural Medicine has a dispensary of approximately 120 FDA approved herbs, patent pill formulas, supplied by a reputable Melbourne based company, and their very own herbal tincture range.
In the majority of cases, Chinese Herbal Medicine works safely and effectively alongside Western Medical pharmaceuticals.