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Dr Nicole Pawley


BHSc (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine)

Empowering clients for clarity & confidence

Hello, I am Dr Nic!

I am a mum of 4 delicious individual humans and a lover of mindfulness, meditation, sun rises, red lipstick, and a dry sense of humour.

I have worked within health & wellness for over two decades with my attraction to healthcare beginning through travel, starting a family and a desire for a more holistic style of living and being. My motivation in the clinic is to take everyday living back to its simple state – organic, natural, preventative health. I love to educate, and my desire is to guide you to understanding your body better and have confidence in taking responsibility for your own health. My approach is gentle and open as it is how I would like to be treated. I want to see all my clients thrive and be who they are.


I have experience through a range of areas, however, love all things relating to women’s health, particularly through transitioning periods such as teens, pre-conception, reproductive, perimenopause, postnatal care & menopause. This stems from my other love – educating couples on how to be awesome at birthing. I have been a specialist childbirth educator for hundreds of couples support the development of essential skills for birthing with control, calm and fearlessness.


My other skillset (& love) is Cosmetic Beauty Acupuncture. I consider it a natural Botox for redefining cheekbones, softening lines, tightening muscles, sculpting a jaw, and smoothing out a skin tone. I believe that if you look good, you will feel good, and this wholistic therapy is great to boost confidence, soothe a nervous system, improve metabolism all while looking amazing. Beauty acupuncture works because it treats the reason that the lines are there to begin with!



Mondays 1pm – 8pm
Wednesdays 9.30am – 2pm