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When treating pain, whether it be back pain, neck pain, period pain, arthritic pain or fibromyalgia, we combine hands on therapy with herbal and nutritional medicine, food as medicine, and lifestyle techniques such as stress management. Our holistic approach provides effective long-term management of acute and chronic pain related conditions.

Managing these pain conditions can be complex and our team is skilled in providing insight into the causes of these conditions. Inflammation is often a primary driver in pain. Food (such as adopting an anti-inflammatory diet) and many nutrients can act as potent anti-inflammatories to help your body to begin the healing process.
Nutrients you can’t obtain (or need more of) through your diet, we stock at the clinic, in our wide range of practitioner only, high quality supplements and herbs.


Acupuncture may assist with pain management for various conditions such as migraine and tension headache, period pain, digestive pain, injuries or other musculoskeletal pain such as the VERY common neck and back pain.
Acupuncture helps to calm the nervous system where pain is perceived. We aim to break the ‘pain cycle’ in cases of chronic pain and take into account how this may be affecting your mental state and daily functioning.
Acupuncture is used locally to decrease inflammation and calm surrounding tight and tense muscles in the case of conditions such as neck and back pain or post-injury.
Practitioners will always aim to identify and address underlying causes or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your pain.


Dry needling uses needles to release tight muscles (trigger points) with the goal of permanently reducing muscle pain and dysfunction.
This technique can effectively treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions by targeting these trigger points found in taut muscle bands.

For more information on the difference between acupuncture and dry needling please see our blog post Dry Needling vs Acupuncture.


Everyone feels better after massage. Whether it be tension headaches, sore lower back or tight shoulders, massage can works wonders.
Remedial massage (deep tissue) involves working through impaired, knotted, tense or immobile muscles and tendons. Relaxation massage is all about leaving the client feeling less stressed physically and mentally, which can help decrease the level of pain experienced.


Cupping is like a massage from the inside out.
When placed on the body, the suction draws up the skin and the underlying tissue. This helps with pain by increasing circulation to the area, the relaxing tight muscles, sedating the nervous system, decreasing local inflammation and helping to clear lactic acid from the muscles.